Daniel Lindberg, Quickspin CEO, reflects on Q1
Daniel Lindberg, Quickspin CEO, reflects on Q1: instant smash hit Cash Truck, our new trademarked Chaos Clusters™ mechanic, the Canada entry, and more
We’ve just wrapped up our first quarter of 2022, the start of our 11th year in business, so let’s take a look at what we’ve done over the last few months.
First of all, Cash Truck certainly kicked off the year with a bang! This highly anticipated game was not only our first release of the year, but also one of our most successful releases ever. The game continues to perform incredibly strongly in multiple markets, and it’s easy to see why. I’m very proud of the team for making this game happen.
Over the last few months, we’ve been working away on Azticons Chaos Clusters™ and the feedback so far has been amazing! This game introduces our brand new game mechanic, the Chaos Clusters™, all symbols come in 5 sizes, making it easier to connect bigger clusters – a game changer for cluster games. It will be available with 3 different math models: 94%, 96% and for the first time ever 87%. All to fit our partners different needs in different markets. Azticons Chaos Clusters™ will be out in May, but you can get a sneak peek here.
I’m also happy to announce that we’ve been granted a supplier license by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) for April 4th, when the newly regulated Canadian market opens up. A key part of our ongoing strategy is moving into regulated markets, so it’s been encouraging to hear that many of our partners and competitors agree with us on this. We believe that it’s crucial in order to maintain a sustainable gaming experience in the long term.
Over the last few months, we’ve slowly and steadily returned to our office after almost two years away. It feels great to be back in our new headquarters and to see everyone in person again, and now I’m looking forward to catching up with all our friends and partners in person too.
We’ve seen the Quickspin family welcome lots of new members this quarter, and many of our existing members have advanced into new roles. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Anna Falk, Simon Söderhjelm, Marie Fridén, Ievgen Sukharenko, Augustina Lopez, Elizabeth Lyons, Alexander Björkén, Iryna Matvieieva and Dmytro Matvienko to the Quickspin Family. And a warm welcome back to Kostiantyn Bokov! We’re so happy to have you all onboard!
I would also like to congratulate the following colleagues on their well-deserved promotions: Anthony Dalla-Giacoma, Marc Bjersbo, Matilda Boman, Anna Alexson, Andreas Hedlund, Clint Andersson, Yumiko Lundh, Hugo Mater, Joe Franklin, and Jacopo Volpin. Well done everyone!
Now that we’re moving into spring, I’m really looking forward to our next big release: Sakura Fortune 2. The original Sakura Fortune has been one of my favourite games for a long time, and I think seeing our warrior princess return with more edgy volatility and higher exposure is just what the market needs. This sequel looks incredible, and I can’t wait to release it to existing fans and a whole new generation of players all over the world.
As I wrap this up, I find it difficult to conclude without mentioning the devastating war in Ukraine, as our highest priority over the last month has been our Ukrainian employees. It’s an absolutely heart-breaking situation, and much of our focus has been on keeping our employees safe and helping them in any way we can. Playtech’s team has done an amazing job to help and support all 714 employees who work for the Playtech Group in Ukraine, and we’re extremely proud and grateful for our close collaboration with them in these hard times.
Daniel Lindberg,
Quickspin CEO and Founder